The Tula Experience

Tula Chiropractic & Wellness specializes in care for postpartum, pregnancy, and family.

Our goal is to deliver quality chiropractic care and build a place of healing that provides you with the support and knowledge that you deserve while on your path to optimal health.

If you have been looking for a family chiropractor in North DFW, we look forward to being a part of your healing journey!

We help families with:

Prenatal and Postpartum care
  • Round ligament tightness
  • Pelvic floor issues
  • Sciatica
  • Breastfeeding challenges
  • Postural changes
  • Hip and tailbone pain
  • Pubic symphysis dysfunction
  • Heartburn and nausea
  • Postpartum recovery
  • Carpal tunnel
Pediatric Care
Family Care
mom tracking progress of baby growth development

What it's like visiting a family-focused chiropractor.

Your First Visit.

Your first visit is an opportunity for you to share your health challenges and your goals. We are here to listen! Know that you will be fully supported as you start this journey to healing your body and mind.

The initial appointment consists of information gathering: the consult, exam, and a computerized scan of your nervous system to show how the body is responding to stress and how it is functioning. In addition to a complete neurological and orthopedic examination, we use the latest digital technology to accurately assess your posture. If prompted, we will begin your therapy followed by a chiropractic adjustment on your first visit.

prenatal chiropractor with pregnant mother
dr michelle adjusting pediatric patient

Your Second Visit

When you return to the office, our doctors will sit down with you to review the details of your initial examination findings and follow up on your first treatment. We will also provide a specific care plan recommendation to help you reach your health goals.

At this time, we will answer any questions that you may have.

All-Inclusive Chiropractic Care

Your Treatment May Include

Chiropractic Adjustment

Craniosacral Therapy (CST)

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

pregnancy chiroporactic care

Hot or Cold Pack

Muscle Work / Myofascial Release

Kinesiology Taping As Needed

pregnancy chiroporactic care

What To Expect.

At Tula Chiropractic and Wellness, we are committed to really listening to you and understanding your health goals. Our office is dedicated to providing you with an understanding and supportive environment where you are allowed to heal.

Our “whole-istic” approach is the most helpful in truly transforming your health; Not only do we work on getting you out of pain and discomfort, but we also strive to optimize your spine and nervous system so your body can function at a full capacity so you can fully enjoy your life.

So rather than waiting until you are in intense physical and/or emotional pain, prioritizing yourself and regularly keeping your body in alignment will allow your brain and body to openly communicate function at its best.

pregnant patient getting chiropractic adjustment
If you’ve been a part of our Tula family, you know our visits are longer for a reason 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️We love incorporating some level of craniosacral work 🧠 with your visits because IT WORKS! ♥️Not only your bodies get to unwind, we see so much significant improvement in shorter amount of time! 🙌
Kindest words ♥️
✨Belly taping for pregnancy! ✨Belly tape is an easy way to give your belly a little support through pregnancy, without the extra compression or layers that wearing a belly bands requires. 🙂‍↔️Here’s a quick and easy way to tape yourself at home!Also, did you know we offer complimentary taping at Tula? 🙌🏼
🌟 If you’re dealing with frequent headaches, you’re not alone. But let’s set the record straight: it’s NOT normal, and there IS something you can do about it!Here’s why chiropractic care is your solution:💆‍♀️Addressing various causes: Headaches can stem from a variety of issues, including tension, misalignment, or nerve irritation. Chiropractic care targets these root causes.💆‍♂️Comprehensive approach: Chiropractic care doesn’t just treat the headache itself; it addresses the underlying issues that contribute to headaches, such as poor posture, muscle tension, or spinal misalignment.💆‍♀️Alleviating associated symptoms: Along with headaches, chiropractic care can also help with symptoms like neck pain, shoulder tension, and even stress-related symptoms that often accompany headaches.💆‍♂️Natural, long-lasting relief: Instead of reaching for temporary fixes, chiropractic care offers a holistic approach to address the root cause of headaches, providing lasting relief without relying on medications.Ready to be headache free? Reach out to us!
You guys!!!! How lucky are we to be adjusting this cuteness?! ♥️♥️♥️Baby Spider-woman came in for her adjustment today and we are just head over heels with cuteness overload. ☀️